Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For Memory's Sake

I thought it would be a good idea to record the following story on our blog to remind us in years to come of what life was like with a busy little toddler. This event occurred yesterday morning...

I was sitting at the table enjoying breakfast and checking my email while Chloe was playing in the living room. The enjoyment of a uninterrupted meal did not last long as I eventually heard Chloe's sweet little voice whining "ehhh, ehhh". Although we're working on saying "please", this is still her primary cue to tell me that she wants something, and she wants it now! I look up to see her reaching one hand into the toy bag and looking at me repeating "ehhh, ehhh". I quickly realized that she wanted a toy she couldn't reach. Before I could get out of my chair and walk across the room to help her, she looked me in the eye and said "obey"! In other words, "Get over here Mom and help me!" I was shocked that she had just commanded me to obey her! We have been working on obedience with Chloe a lot lately so the fact that she turned this around on me was quite funny!

This situation shed light for me on 2 things. First of all, Chloe clearly seems to understand what "obey" means so I know now that when I tell her she needs to obey, she really does understand what I'm saying! Secondly, I realized that we have a long road ahead of us of training her little heart to be obedient to Andrew and I as well as the Lord! Please pray for us! :)

1 comment:

Sarah Ikegami said...

Wow! This is really, really cool, that Chloe is learning from you and Andrew. I bet in the "what the, who do you think you are, missy" feeling you had a, "cool, she gets it!" sigh :) I will keep praying for you guys, wish we were in CO with ya! Thanks for sharing this!