Monday, April 6, 2009


The girls and I have been in California at my parents' house for the last 3 weeks. We flew out because my Grandma had a heart attack and was in the hospital. Thankfully, her stay in the ICU was short, so we have been able to enjoy spending time with her at home. The girls have been thoroughly spoiled by everyone! I've really appreciated the extra help. We're saying our goodbyes and flying home on Thursday. Chloe and Macie aren't going to know what to do without all their entertainment!

My little sister has taken some cute pictures while we've been here...

I'm not sure what to think about this last picture but it makes me laugh every time I see it!


Kate-y said...

This is what I think
[tune] "...she thinks my tractor's sexy..."
haha glad you're able to soak up some good 'ol Ca sunshine!

Younge 7 said...

Such sweet pictures!! You have a beautiful family.